Hayek in Vienna

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Publishing Hayeks' old letters

It seems people in my family don't like parting with things. So if it didn't fall victim to moving, natural disasters or war, chances are its still around. That leads to lots of junk piling up but also nice finds such as the letters by Friedrich A. Hayek to his parents from WWI and his studies in New York in 1923. Obviously these don't contain much economics but they do show a man with very keen powers of observation and dry humor. I'm currently trying to decide how to make these public. A few people have seen them and one article was published including an English translation. Have a look at the Link above for some tidbits. Seems New York is no fun if you don't have lots money as a student? I have a graph showing how he saves every dollar till he has enough for the trip home. His biggest wish after that is buying books. More contents from the letters soon.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

A different Hayek.

Most of us are used to seeing Friedrich Hayek as a distinguished elderly scholar. But as long as I'm scanning anyway here is a picture of Hayek with his younger brother Heinz in 1903.

In Hayeks' lap

Working on an exhibition on the early years of Friedrich A. von Hayek is challenging and I never know what I'm going to come across next. I'm sifting lots of paper, phoning schools and drawing maps. The opening is Monday morning, running against the clock!

But mostly it's fun! Look what I just found: The kid in the great mans lap is me!

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Job creation or how Hayek got the "von"

Well, I said I'd start out with history, so here goes. Opponents of Reagan, Thatcher and Churchill always emphasized the "von" to give Hayek either the "nobility" and not-good-for-common-folk or the nasty "kraut" image. Actually the "von" was abolished in Austria in 1919 and Hayek only used it in his name since it was copied from his birth certificate when he applied for a British passport. The Austrian "von" that Hayek had was comparable to the British Honours system in that it was awarded for merit. The interesting thing is that Josef Hayek got the "von" in 1789 by doing exactly what Friedrich A. von Hayek advocated 150 years later. He helped to privately found and expand two textile factories in lower Austria and Moravia, thereby creating jobs and increasing the GDP as well as the tax base (this was positive from the emperor's point of view, so he honoured Hayek with the title). All this is stated in the nobility document. I'm now faced with the first difficulty in this blog: most of the material from the early years is in German and it's not easy to do a bi-lingual blog. Some of it is easy to translate and mostly I will, however this document is in 200 year old German and I'll give the translation a shot with the "thy, theyn" thing later. For now I've decided to just post the German version since it's fun for those readers who know the language. If anybody has ideas on how to solve this, I'm open to suggestions. Thanks!

"Aus dem Adelsdiplom des Josef von Hayek de dato Wien 11. August 1789

Wenn wir nun gnädigst angesehen, wahrgenommen, und betrachtet: dass unser lieber Getreuer Josef Hayek, wegen besitzenden guten Eigenschaften, und in Rücksicht der von seinem Vater und Grossvater in den preussischen Kriegen, bei dem im Markgraftum aufgestellten Jägerkorps sich für den Staat gesammelten Verdienste, im Jahre Eintausensiebenhundert fünf und siebenzig bei unserer Böhmisch-Österreichischen Hof-Kanzley, als Accessist angestellet, u. im Jahre Eintausend siebenhundert sechs und siebzig darauf wegen bezeigter thätiger Verwendung, und erprobter Fähigkeit zum Hofkonzipisten befördert worden sey, nach der Hand aber, als er von dem damaligen Obristen Kanzler, Grafen von Blümingen zu dem Wirtschaftsfach seiner Güter gezogen worden, dennoch für den höchsten Dienst, und das Beste des Staates sich dergestalten bestrebet habe, dass durch seyne Bemühungen auf den zweyen Kottonfabriken zu Kettenhof in Niederösterreich, und Lettowitz in Mähren, bey welch letzterer er wegen seiner der Fabrik nach bisher leistenden nützlicher Dienste als Mitinteressent gewählet worden, die Errichtung ansehnlicher, und wohlbemittelter Sozietäten zu Stande gekommen seyn, die Fabriken selbst ihm ihre Aufnahme, und Erweiterung zu verdanken haben, und dadurch der Nahrungs-Stand sowohl, als auch die Bevölkerung des Staates seinen Namhaften Vorteil ziehen, da dermals einige Tausend Insassen mehr als vorher dabey ihre Beschäftigung und Unterhalt finden, und wirklich zwey ansehnliche Dorfschaften bey Kettenhof in Österreich und ob der Herrschaft Lettowitz in Mähren durch die daselbst etablirten Fabriken entstanden sind, die sich von Zeit zu Zeit vergrössern, mithin dem Staate in Ansehen der Bevölkerung, Besteuerung, Rekrutierung und mehrfähigkeit und anderem Betracht zum wesentlichen Nutzen gereichen. Da Uns derselbe seiner Geschicklichkeit, Kenntnis und Verwendung in der Landwirtschaft wegen besonders angerühmt worden, auch in dem Besitz eines eigenen Vermögens bestellet ist, desgleichen in seiner Bisherigen getreuen Gesinnung bis in die Grube fortzufahren d

The roots of capitalism or why this blog?

The Austrian Hayek Institut is organizing a conference on the roots of capitalism from October 16th to 18th in Vienna, Austria. Roots of Capitalism

During this conference there will be an exhibition on the early years of Friedrich A. von Hayek in Vienna from 1899 to 1930, which I am currently organizing and which was the initial reason to start this blog. I'll be posting some of the pictures and letters that have surfaced during the research for the exhibition, on the blog soon. I am really enjoying getting to know a different Hayek than the one we know from his books and interviews, as well as learning more about the famous "Mises Kreis". Since I want to share what I am finding I've decided to start this blog.

On a really personal note: This is my first shot at a blog and its all live, so I'm hoping people will give me helpful comments on how I'm doing. Thanks!